Nuxeo DM is an open source document management application and helps to manage and track flow of content.
Intallation instructions for Debian Lenny
Install sun-jdk6 from deb apt source.
# apt-cache search sun-java6-jdk (This may take some time...)
After the installation of sun-java6-jdk, Add this sources to /etc/apt/sources.list
"deb lucid releases"
Run the following command in the terminal :-
# apt-get update
# apt-get search nuxeo
# apt-get install nuxeo-dm-tomcat (This may take some time...)
After the installation, use an editor to update the configuration:
# /etc/nuxeo-dm/nuxeo.conf
Uncomment this line
# JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
And invoke the service
# invoke-rc.d nuxeo-dm \[start\|stop\|status\|restart\]
When the Nuxeo-Dm started, Open this link in the browser
# http://localhost:8080/
Login the Nuxeo using Administrator username and Administrator as password.